
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gossip Girlz

I try to be good. 

I am a mature, responsible adult.  Really! Sometimes I need a place to rant, complain, and dish.  I love my Facebook groups for this reason.  I always get support and some laughs.  I turn off my laptop and smile as I drift to sleep knowing that these ladies have my back.  They are all like me and I know there are days that we just want to pile in the car with a dozen eggs and some TP, turn up the music, take a few shots and drive by the homes of those bitches that drive us nuts and beam their front doors! 

Wouldn't that feel great? 

We don't want to spread rumors or hurt feelings.  We know better than to confront or complain.  We want to be good.  We don't want to be a Gossip or a Bully.  But once in awhile we realize that we are just teenagers in grown up clothing.  We still want to have fun and handle things in a way that is irreverant and irresponsible.  It would be nice to go back and not worry so much about retribution and consequences. 

Don't tell my mom!

I thought about this and it came to mind that I was still holding back when I wrote my comments on Facebook.  I decided to create this blog to have a judgement free place to let loose.  Without naming names and without any intention of following through IRL - here is a place to tell others how I would handle things if I were still a teenager and I wasn't afraid to get caught by my mom!


  1. Look forward to seeing where this goes =)

  2. Facebook being down right now might bring some angry birds over here!

  3. Anyone ever get these? Love notes from stalkers? I just ignore them but I thought I would share and toot my own horn. . .
    "I'm an Egyptian writer and I liked your page. I haven't read any of your works but your sweet smile captured me. So I happily accepted the 'bribe' and pressed like I wish I may be the winner. However, I don't like chocolate .. I'd prefer better to send you a kiss! "
    I can't get my friends and family to like my FB page, but this guy wants to kiss me!

  4. cheese for breakfastJune 1, 2012 at 9:07 AM

    This is the problem I find with adulthood. I still feel like that same person I felt like in high shcool but I know that when people look at me they see a grown woman. There seems to be a disconnect between the two. My mother never seemed young even when she was. She told me she was always pretty mature. It really makes me wonder if there is something such as a new soul and an old soul. I am definitely a new one.

    1. I am the same way "cheese"!
      I have the same friends, live in the same neighborhood, love the same music, I am the same person I was in high school for sure! I have no idea what people see when they look at me, and I don't know what I want them to see. Sometimes I want them to see a mature, responsibile person who should be taken seriously. Other times I want them to see a young, lively, fun person who is ready for anything. I am all of that. I am definitely a young soul!
